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fiscal law 會計法。

fiscal stamp

Part3 : the problems with china ' s fiscal policy on venture capital . the problems include : a definite and integrated system of fiscal law on venture capital has not be built up . the present tax law and code are not fit for the development . the government expenditure on tech - research and product - transform is not enough . the structure of government expenditure is not in reason . the efficiency of the go 指出問題主要包括以下幾點: 1 、缺乏一種針對風險投資的明確而又完整的財稅法律與政策支持體系; 2 、現行稅收法律政策不利于風險投資業的發展; 3 、財政投入科技研發和成果轉化的資金總量不足,并且存在結構性問題,資金使用效率低下的問題普遍存在。